Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blogger accepts "TARDIS" as a word... I'm so proud of them!

Heeellooooo! *Rolls by in swivel chair, stroking purple fuzzy -- crashes into a wall* Ow...

Well, that was fun... Now that I'm done with that, I'll get on with the bloggy thing.

First off, I have to say how insanely jealous I am of Anna's mind/TARDIS comparison... That's just... the best! Wish I'd thought of it... Earlier, I attempted to think of something to compare my own mind to and came up completely blank. I found that a bit disconcerting... I am a writer, you'd think I could figure out something. Guess not. But that's fine -- I hate starting sentences with "but." I think because it was driven into my head as a little second grader. I listened then, not so much now. In fact, most of my sentences tend to start with "but" or "and." Sometimes "because." That's really bothersome when I'm editing. Another thing I hate! Editing. That's stupid... I cringe at the word. I'm gonna go on with what I was saying before I started this rant now, if you're lost, go back a few lines -- because I have plenty of time to figure that one out, and when I do, it'll be way cooler than the TARDIS. (I don't actually mean that... not a lot is cooler than the TARDIS.)

I'm tired. Insane how tired I am. I even woke up to a very chirpy alarm on my phone. I ended up turning it off and going back to sleep for another thirty minutes. Now that I think on it, it was probably the alarm that started today off on a bad note. I don't do "chirpy." Maybe on occasion, but very rarely. I meant to get up at a decentish time so I could read, mostly -- then squeeze in everything else.
What have a managed to do so far today instead?
Watch Star Wars/eat breakfast.
And, now, Blog.
I feel so accomplished. I got up early -- for me -- so I could read, and still haven't gotten that done.

What am I (going to) read(ing)? ((The parenthesis are confusing but I'm not going to go back. Give me a break, I'm tired and there's a dog barking right outside my window. I kinda wonder why I did double parenthesis for this... Because I wanted to! Ha!)) Anyway, I'm (going to) read(ing) Paper Towns by John Green. I've read two paragraphs and it's pretty good so far, though I have no doubt in it. I mean, it is John Green. He kinda inspired the name of our blog... I think he deserves props for that. That sentence didn't make sense in my context... Hmm... Again, not changing it.

I was thinking earlier -- along with trying to figure out something to compare my mind to -- that Anna and I could review books and movies and stuff, but then I realized I hate doing that type of thing... So that's out of the question. Anna's more than welcome to, of course.

This is weird, referring to you as "Anna," Anna. Really weird. I may stop, and you can just assume by "you" I mean "Anna." But then, if we get readers, that would confuse them. Hm. I think I'll just stick with "Anna" for now see where that takes us.

That one was a lot more rambly than the last! Yes! I knew I had it in me!

Anywhoodles... I'm really not sure if I should sign out of this blog-posty-thing... I guess I will.

Hayley <-- How very unoriginal am I? Wow...

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