Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things you *really* want to know about: (Like the sugar I consumed today!)

1. I have just discovered that tugging hard on your ear lobe is not a good idea. It really isn't. You're trying it now, aren't you? Don't. It can only end in pain, and then you'll do something stupid like telling everyone how stupid you were.

2. I feel like I'm going to mention Doctor Who every time I post here, now. Bad thing? Heck no! Good thing! Well. Duh.

3. So! Since I'm going to mention Doctor Who every time I post here (or a lot of the time), let me just run with that. Not literally. I had a lot of sugar today and it has stirred up my cough. Running would not help it, I don't think. And I don't have socks on so I can slide around on the floor. And I just don't want to run right now. Anyway, running with mentioning Doctor Who - I've discovered how much fun it is to think in Doctor Eleven's voice. His thought pattern is all over the place. It makes sense and it doesn't, all at once. I love that. It really helps when I'm trying to justify something when I'm brainstorming. (Okay. Okay. I need him there. I need him to be in there because I want him to be in there and I need the reader to get attached to him, so they'll be sorry later when he's important...) If you imagine all of that in Matt Smith's voice and accent, that's how some of my reasoning goes when I'm figuring out stuff, now.

4. Speaking of the sugar I had today:
I was so good until I went out to eat. Then I got a big coke. And it was good. It was amazing. It was coke.
And then I started coughing.
I still do not regret the coke.
Then I came home - and I had grape jello with whipped cream. It was good too. Pretty darn great.
I ate what I wanted and then gave the rest to my dog.
I'm coughing now. A lot.

5. You really wanted to know about the sugar. I know. You're welcome!

6. *HUG* Whoever you are! Unless you're a creepy stalker or something. Then it would be weird and inappropriate. But I like hugs. Maybe I'll just direct this hug at certain people. (Hayley - *HUG!* And also *HUG!* to Luna Lovegood, Earnest P. Whorl, Kramer, Connor from Primeval, and RORY! )

7. I'm done! *waves*

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