Friday, February 4, 2011

As I sit here with the cord of my headphones hanging from my mouth...

I write about stupid scenes in my book.

I just realized how ironic this is. I'm writing to get away from writing.

Anyway, all day writing day at home and I've already done more today than I did the last time Anna and I had a writing day out of the comfort of our own homes. Maybe we should do these more often, Anna. I'm better at writing when I'm in my element. The comfy place in the middle of my room with Three Days Grace screaming, "PAIN!" in my ear. Ooh... now Lifehouse. Big change there.

I'm working on a scene that has proven to be a lot harder than I'd planned. I mean, how hard can it be to ask someone out? Probably really hard, actually, but I don't have any experience in the field. I even went so far as asking my Mom -- not much help there, but at least she tried! I even attempted consulting Twilight (the only book I have where romance is most of the plot) then I realized just how stupid that was (I can't even get through the books anymore. They're mostly just taking up space on my bookshelf right now) and I put it back. I can't very well call my sister -- who has more recent experience in dating -- because she's a little tied down with a newborn and a one year old with the flu. (The newborn doesn't have the flu -- thank goodness!) And I know-ish how her most recent story goes anyway. Something having to do with rice, and that's not relevant to Harpe and Deej's story -- it is to my sister's and her husband's, but they're not Harpe and Deej, so that doesn't work out...

That was a long paragraph... How is it I can write more about being unable to write this scene and why I can't write it, but I can't actually write the scene?! Maybe I should watch a chick flick... But then I'd get absorbed (yes! Even I can get absorbed in chick flicks!) and no more writing would happen. And I kinda would like more writing to happen, because I'm excited about this scene! Even if it doesn't want to get written!

Taylor Swift now...

On a not completely different note:
1) I finally got past 50,000 words! Only three months late! Currently at 51,611! That's exciting... I should celebrate or something.
2) I'm tired because I woke up at nine so I could do school before I started my all day writing fest.
3) I've had three cups of coffee and have a coke waiting for me in the fridge.
4) I'm still tired after all that caffeine.
5) I just spelled caffeine right on the first try! Sadly, that's the first time that's ever happened, I think. It's a far cry from last night when I was so tired (I obviously need more sleep!) it took me four tries to spell "hungry" right.
6) Taylor Swift again. Aww! Sad song! Harpe and Deej song. Last Kiss... Are you gonna start crying again, Anna? Please don't... even if I think it's kinda funny...
7) I seem to like making lists, too.
8) The front door is open and it's letting light in through the crack under my door. Someone keeps walking by it and I jump every time, thinking it's a mouse. It's very distracting.
9) I hate mice.
10) I got very far off base with this list. One more thing left, I think.
11) PETER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. I think I'm done now. I'm gonna change Odair to only playing Taylor Swift and go back to attempting to write this scene that eludes me. And hope that I don't make it sad because most of Taylor Swift's songs are about breaking up -- or along those lines. Maybe I should rethink the Taylor Swift thing.


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