Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Paper Towns and a boring blog title

I'm having trouble typing today, because I'm cold and these fingerless mittens weren't made for wearing while typing. But I refuse to take them off because they're blue, fuzzy, and WARM.

I'm hungry, so I'm just gonna skip to the point of today's bloggy-thingy.

I finished Paper Towns yesterday! I'm not going to write a long, drawn out review or anything like that, but I am going to write what I thought about it. So... you can just skip over this part if you don't want to read it because I really suck at doing anything like this.

This. Book. Was. Awesome.

Wow. That was actually a lot easier than I was expecting.

No, I'm really not done. The book is fantastic, but you have to get past all the cussing and... other stuff. Not that the other stuff is graphic, in fact there is no other stuff. Just talk about other stuff. Not really even that. Talk about other stuff used in other stuff. I really hope you know what I mean by "other stuff" because that's as specific as I'm getting.

And I would have liked a different ending. But I can't say how without ruining the book. There was closure, but I would  have liked more closure.

Anyway, I'm hopefully going to the library today (yay! for brave me and the cold!) and I'm planning to get An Abundance of Kathrines... So that's exciting. Same author, obviously. Mostly because he's a great author. Another to add to that list of authors you read and then wonder how on earth you're ever going to ever even be able to attempt to even remotely thinking about writing again.

On a different note, I've decided that this whole being responsible thing is stupid. At least the little stuff, y'know, the stuff that I should actually do right now. Like going to bed early(er) and getting up early(er). I went to sleep about 2:30, which is good for me. great even, because it's not 4. I woke up at 8... went back to sleep until my alarm went off at 9... then slept until 12. So... something I obviously need to work on. But, thanks to my Dad, I'm not nearly as freaked out about this whole "growing up" thing. So... even though you don't read us, thanks Dad! ~HUG~

I think I'm done. The back of my neck is cold. I'm thirsty. Hungry. Need to do school... That may be hard to do in these mittens, too... Hmmmm.


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