Thursday, February 3, 2011

Further Thoughts on Procrastination When You're Supposed to Be Doing Something Else

In this case, it would be writing! Which, don't get me wrong, I love to write. Lots. But there's something about have to stop every minute or so and do something else. Helps you think. Or...something. Yeah, let's go with that. So here's a list of things that happen when you're writing.

1. Stop. Stare out the window.

2. Stop. Stare out the window some more. Think.

3. Stop. Stare anywhere, think.

4. Stop, pull out notebook and draw a doodle of your characters, resume, stop, think.

5. Stop, look around idly, pick the zits on your face because that's a convenient thing to do it and it's about time for some of them anyway.

6. Realize that you have a whole blog post you could write about the things you're doing and go do that.

7. Resume.

8. Do all that again, except maybe not the blog post, because you've already done that.

9. Rinse and Repeat.

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