Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts of a.....

I don't know what I am.

An irresponsible teenager? Maybe. I'm working on changing that one, though! And - all fairness due to me, I don't think I have much to be responsible about right now. The school I'm currently required to do consists of two whole subjects.

The other things (reading and writing consistently) happens anyway, because those things are awesome!

I don't think I have much to say this morning. Because I've been sleeping most of the morning.

I'm failing on the getting up earlier front of trying to be more responsible. Going to bed earlier is easier than the getting up earlier part! This is bad. This is very bad...I need to fix this! *nod*

So, let's see. What am I doing today?

I should do those two whole boring subjects that were previously mentioned. I should also call my math tutor and set up a meeting. I should also spend some time reading.....And I should also go work at Dad's office, because I need the money! Tonight is my Nanah's birthday dinner, so I'll be doing that this evening.

I need to finish my Hermione fingerless mittens.
I need to finish the fingerless mittens/gloves for Alissa.
I need to ask Hayley about needles for that ribbed hat (I have money for that now! What?! Excited!)

I should also probably work on some art stuff. I like how all of these things today are things I should or need to do....will I get all of them done? I dunno! Is that what makes days exciting? Probably not!

I'm not sure that I'm happy about this nice weather. I like the cold weather! I just wanted it to go away for a while. But I don't want it to be gone until next year! I don't want for summer to get here and murder us all over again with its heat! Murder was not a great word to use for that. Because if we were actually murdered, we couldn't be murdered again. And heat can't murder, anyway. I just woke up. :P That'll be my excuse for the....non-structure, nonsensical nature of this post. Post it. HA! Post it!

Yes. I just woke up.

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