Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A list of things. Because I like to do lists of things. Lists of things are *cool.*

1. Hayley - *HUG.* I know I gave you one...or several....yesterday. But - *HUG.* Because for me, there's really no such thing as too many hugs. I like hugs. They're *awesome.* They're like....I don't know. Hugs are just hugs! They're warm and comforting and cuddly, like lots of blankets and soft pillows and cookies. Hugs are some of my favorite things. It would be weird for me to not have a hug every day from somebody....

2. I started rereading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! This is the longest Harry Potter book out of all seven. (Seven should have been the longest.) I like this one for lots of reasons. I think one of them is just because of the dope blue cover art. Blue things are just...blue's my favorite color. Blue is an Anna color. And a Doctor color.

3. Isn't it great when you create new characters and know that you've got something solid? Just because you actually care about the character, and another new character cares about the new character that I'm talking about right now? And he has a dope name! I'm proud of him, but he's technically not born yet. Not in his time line. And neither is the other new character that I just mentioned. I'm not sure when I'll get to write with this new character that I'm talking about....I could just tell you his name instead of saying 'new character' and making it all confusing, but it's more mysterious this way!

4. I think growing up is absolutely terrifying. I had a meltdown about it yesterday, actually. (In case you can't tell, I'm responding to Hayley's blog post...) Or...actually....I just had a meltdown. It was an up and down day, and today feels like a mostly up day, so that's good. Up days are a lot easier to get through. That makes life sound really depressing, doesn't it?! How dare me!
I like what C.S. Lewis said about growing up, and age. I couldn't find the quote, but I think I remember it pretty well:

I don't think age matters so much as people think. At twelve, I think parts of me were already fifty, and at fifty, I think parts of me are still twelve.

Isn't that the way it goes? I'm still a little kid about some things! I still love to go get expensive ice cream! But I've still changed about some things. Because when I was little, I didn't care as much what people thought about my writing, and I forced lots of people to read it. Poor people. I'm so sorry. Poor younger me. What? No. 'Poor younger me' should be apologizing to older me, right now. She embarrasses me! Younger me - stop it!
*Cough* - anyway - I'm a lot more self-conscious about that now. There are only a few people that get to read my stuff frequently. Well, one. Hayley, congratulations.
I feel really awkward asking most other people to read my stuff (not all, but most) and often regret it when I do. It's hard to get people to criticize it - and when they do, they usually aren't that helpful. I have to beg Hayley to criticize, and when she does, she's way more helpful than some of the other people I've gotten to read stuff. (It's not a bad idea to ask older people....but they think in terms of grammar, and not story. They don't even think in terms of words....unlike Naomi, who is dope and thinks in terms of grammar that breathes.)
Still, I'm a little bit mad at younger me for letting this 'not caring what other people think' thing slip. How dare she. YOUNGER ME! STOP IT!
All the responsible stuff scares me too. Publishing a book scares me, actually. Nearly all future stuff is scary to me. (Hey kids, let's watch while Anna screams her way through college! OH LOOK! SHE TRIPPED AND FELL!) Hopefully falling will be kept to a minimum. And hopefully, screaming will only be figurative. Not literal.

5. Number four was very, very long.

6. THERE'S SNOW OUTSIDE! So, today, I'm going to do things that ought to be done while there is snow outside. Such as: Read. Write. Knit. Take a bubble bath and read. School. (:P) Watch...stuff. Draw/color/paint. (Hopefully. We'll see.) And wear socks! My feet are cold!

7. Continue drinking herbal stuff in my water to banish this freaking stupid cough. Thankfully no gagging on my own breath today. Yet. You wanted to know that, didn't you?! Yep!

8. Part of me kinda wants to go outside and throw a snowball.

9. All of me thinks hot chocolate would be a good idea, today.

10. My dog is spending the whole day in the house! She's so cute (annoying) when we're eating.....she comes up and does this melting puppy dog eye thing! What am I supposed to do with that?!
"Autumn, stop begging."
"Autumn, stop begging."
*Eyes at someone else*
*Someone else gives her food*
*I finish eating*
"Autumn, come 'ere!"
*Rubs Autumn's ears*
"I don't have anymore food!
"Do want to lick the plate?"
*Autumn licks the plate.*

Yeah. :D

This is *really* long blog post. I'm going to stop now.

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