Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good Morning! Darn, it be afternoon already.

Well, I'm lying in my bed because I slept late, and I had my iPod, which I am listening to now (Safety Dance, rah!) and trying to think of reasons not to get up yet. Blog post became a great reason!!!!!

Okay, so. Weather. (Yes, I'm actually going to talk about the weather!) I think snow is dope. And I think cold is dope. But I'm a little bit bitter towards the snow after being rolled in it. (This was not voluntary on my part, and I'm not going to talk about it because Hayley already knows the story and I feel no need to recount it again....) I'm also bitter at the snow because it won't melt. It keeps piling up more. Which I normally wouldn't mind, but I CANNOT DRIVE IN IT.

I'm used to going to Lubbock a lot to be with my besties! I haven't seen any of my Lubbock besties this week! Grah! (Peter and Grace are getting to me! Horror! Not really. Their grah-ness isn't horrible.)

So, I think the snow needs to stop. I don't care what the cold does, but the snow needs to go visit somewhere else.

I realized just a minute ago as I was reading a knitting blog that I HAVEN'T BEEN ON RAVELRY IN A LONG TIME! What up with that? Of course I'm on there right now, remedying this.

Hayley, you haven't put up any new projects! :( Grah! I haven't either. Grah! (I have finished the mitt part of the first Hermione mitt, though, and barely started the other one! Maybe I should work on that today.....)

I'm hungry. Hmm. This should also be remedied soon. Maybe right now.....or something.

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